Friday, December 09, 2005

Wisdom, Stature, and Favor

Hey, this marks the 2 week anniversary of me posting blogs on my site... yay... I have gotten through a lot of content in 2 weeks I would suggest. And the more I use this the more I will learn about some things. When I first decided to write some stuff down... I had a lot of stuff on my mind. Slowly it has been coming out and I haven't had as much stuff to say and not near as vehemently. But, I'm sure there will be days when I will still have a lot to say, and it will be really important for me to write down. One thing I discovered is that you always write your best stuff when you care about what you are writing about. At least that is very true for me. If I have a feeling to accompany my thoughts and writing, it will definitely be improved.

HAHAHA... why not laugh? Tis the season to celebrate that Jesus came to earth. And no metter how ridiculous it sounds, he did. Honestly, it doesn't seem like the greatest plan from a human perspective... but when I put in further thought and actually realize how personal it all is, it makes complete sense. It also shows a great example of how we should approach life. One of the coolest things about Jesus' life is that he doesn't do his first miracle until he is 30. I wonder how he lived the first thirty years of his life. I'm 23, I have 7 more years to go until I turn 30. So, the point I am trying to make is that I don't really have a clear model for living at this point in my life. We do know from Matthew 2:52 that "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men." So, is that our role for the first 30 years of our life? We grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. What does that mean for me? How do I do that? I think I will get into this verse a bit... It is interesting me at the moment.

So, How do I grow in favor with God? I don't know my opinion on that yet, so let's talk about what I do know or believe. I know that I can read the Bible and try to apply the words found in it to my life. I can also purely just try to understand the Bible. I think one of the other most important things I can do is spend time with him. I need to spend time in prayer and in contemplation, trying to hear what he is telling me. A lot of the listening part comes from the Bible as well. I can try to become pure, and upright. A man of love and dignity. Not for my own recognition, but for the ministry God will have for me and to show God my love in return from His. That would maybe get into growing in favor with men as well. In men I believe they intend to include women as well. So how do I grow in favor with people? Well, probably by focusing on some of my top priorities... honesty, the fruits of the spirit. I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Goodness, Fatihfulness, Kindness, and Self-Contorl. If you try to make your life reflect these things... I don't think that you could help but grow in favor with men. There are a few ways to gain respect... but the way Jesus tells us to use is through these, primarily love. I like to think that I am in the process of all this stuff. I am growing and developping and becoming more wise. It is always great to think that you are getting smarter, so I don't want to brag about that. I do honestly feel that way though. Anyways, that is pretty little when it comes to what you should do with your adulthood in trying to imitate Christ. I know that one thing he asks us to do is to love the children. I am pretty good at that most of the time. Sidetrack. What the heck is stature. Does that mean he turned into a strongman? Does that mean that he got tall and grew physically? Does that mean that he ascended the social ranks? Did he rise to the upper class? Did he join the militia? The truth is, I think that he grew as a man. He learned how to be a man. How to care about people. How to protect people. How to be there for people when they were hurting. How to deal with conflict. He learned how to work. He learned to respect his parents. He learned who he was. He learned God's plan for his life. He prepared for God's plan for his life. He learned about society, and how to stay out of trouble. He probably learned how to deal with women. I wish I could learn directly from him when it comes to that. It is funny how the whole verse seems to refer to the same thing. Wisdom and stature... the way I am describing it is the same thing. What else could stature refer to? Maybe it just means bodily size and physical strength. Who knows. The turth is though... that what I am describing here is pretty much no different from what growing as a Christian should be. I don't believe that at the age of 30 we stop all this stuff. Do you? Did Jesus? What more can I say, except that I need to see where this takes me. Maybe when I turn 30 I will understand a bit more what that verse means. Anyways, that was fun!!! It is nice to bust out about a Bible verse...

The truth is, there is a similar verse to that in 1 Samuel 2:26. Samuel supposedly did the same thing? Those are two people probably worth immitating as one grows into a man. Alright, I'm done for now... you never know what else could come up!! hehe


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