Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Stress... Crappy Weekend with Good Intentions

Sometimes I get a little frustrated? Do you know what that means? It means that things are happening beyond my control that I don't like. The most frustrating that happenned is that yesterday, I received an email yesterday that reminded me of a responsibility that I had committed to over a month ago and completely forot about. There is a young adults party on Saturday with a location that was advertised in our bulletin at church, but we didn't actually get around to planning. I feel like I have been thrown to the wolves. I don't even know if anyone confirmed this party with the host house. I feel quite a bit of stress. It is ridiculous that I and my two buddies haven't met in so long and that we haven't even talked about this. Now, the truth is that that is the reality for people my age. We often forget things like that that we committed to, and somehow struggle through it.

The reaction that I have to that kind of thing though is outwardly an attempt at peace and reliance on God, but inwardly stress out of my mind. I hate stress, and I firmly believe that stress is almost always a negative thing. Well maybe not firmly... Anyways, I change when I am stressed and I don't like who I turn into. I've been known to shutdown under stress. Either I don't do it, or else somehow, I wake up the next day and do something about it. The problem is that planning isn't my strong suit. I don't plan things well. I guess that is normal. I guess I just down find reason to be stressed out most of the time. So, when I do get some stress, it effects me more than I wish it did.

Now here comes my curve balls. On top of all that stuff I have a Christmas banquet to go to on Friday at camp, and on top of that I am planning for my old roomate Nathan to come down and see me and I told him I could pick him up around 11:30. Now the next morning I have choir practise around 10:00 for an hour or two. Then that night I have this party for the young adults and THING at St. Barnabas... Sunday I have our choir performance and Focus 3 in the afternoon. I won't even have time to spend with Nathan. How retarded am I?

Alright I'm still gonna write more but I'm gonna publish this so people know what my weekend looks like.


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