Monday, November 28, 2005

More Shout-outs... (for the GIRLS)

So hey, last night I spent a good hour shouting out to the girls... but then through bad circumstances lost it. SO this is shot at it number 2... It has been quite a short day for me up to this point... I slept in until 12. this afternoon. It was pretty nice, except I realized that my whole morning was down the hole. Anyways, went to work came back home... watched some football... That's about all for my day.

So, I should probably start out my friends list of girls with Melynda, Rachel, and Christine... These girls are my oldest friends. Christine especially has known me since the elementary days. The reason that these 3 girls are some of my greatest friends is that they have known me as I have changed. The other thing about them is that we are all at the point where we don't worry about the dating thing anymore. It is pretty clear to all of us that I am not going to marry any of them, so we are free to just be special friends and be there for eachother.

Sweet... this next paragraph will be pretty random. So, I have all these people that come into my life... Some stick around and some don't, but they all mean a lot to me. I care about all of their well-being. People like Jamie, Carolyn, Nadine, Jesse, Meridith, Kim, Danielle, Megan, Stephanie, Sharalee, Dana, Jen, Clarabelle, Lydia, Angie, Amanda. These are all people who I care about and hope have happy lives and that I get to hear about it. They all had an impact on me and who I am. I love them all.

Next is the fun part of this. Erin, you are so cool. It has been a priviledge to be your friend for so long. You know my thoughts pretty well, although I'm sure there is some things that even you don't know. However, we are pretty much best friends now which is so cool. We are very similar and back eachother up. We know a lot of the same people, and have oddly similar opinions on most of them. The cool thing is that a lot of the time we don't even have to say something. We just know what the other person is thinking. You have been a constant friend who easily could have been lost if it was up to me. My newest close friends are Taryn and Brittney. They probably don't even know what their friendships mean to me, but they are pretty sweet girls, and I consider it an honor to be their friend. Brittney is a wild girl who is an open book and not afraid at all to talk about anything. She is smart, has opinions on things and did I say honest? Anyways, I love her. I hope to get to know her even better, or to the point that we can hang out all the time. Not just for entertainment sake, but for company and encouragement. I think it would be healthy for both of us if we bacame more comfortable and able to just hang out. I think it would do her good to be away from her family more. Taryn, I like still. There is a glow that she has and a way of thinking and doing and being, and a passion for God that I have tons of respect for. I see in her a leader that could relate with me. She has the same kind of leadership style and care for people. She also has qualities that I respect so much and really cannot compare to. They are to admire. At the moment, I pretty much just hope that I am good enough for her, and yet often I think that she may just think that she isn't good enough for me. Anyways, she likes someone else at the moment. She is seeing where that takes her. That means that almost the better thing is happenning and I am becoming pretty good friends with her. I hope that we can maintain it, although, I do kind of fear that this guy will get in the way of that. But if that is the way of it so be it... ah who am I kidding. I'll probably be really jealous, but supportive because I respect her so much that I can respect that kind of decision too. Anyways, whatever happens, these last 3 people that I mentioned are the ones on my mind recently. The ones who have been the most present in my life. I lose sleep over Taryn, just cause maybe that is what liking someone does to you.

Anyways, You may not have wanted to read any of that, but it was your choice. This is my blog and I will write whatever I want. And although this could seem forward, it is the stuff that probably a lot of people wish they could share and don't. So, I won't know if you have read it, and I won't treat you any different because of something you have read about here.


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